Condition-based corrective care in this phase is about making sure we get laser-focused on your health concerns and the quality of life you desire in the first 90 days. We will deploy focused treatment plans in office, while empowering you to take action in your own life through wellness education and strategies to improve your health at home, between your visits.
Now it's time to make sure we stabilize the improvements that have been made and help make this the new normal while also continuing to improve with time and repetition. Here we will make sure to not abandon what is working and slide backwards. Just like a retainer for your teeth, let's protect and enhance the health and quality of life investments you have made.
Congratulations! By now you are well on your way to experiencing abundance, vitality, and the quality of life you deserve with your body functioning the way we believe it was designed. We will help you make educated wellness choices in your health to stay PROACTIVE on your journey, rather than reacting to problems as they arise. This will ensure the quality of life you want while simultaneously saving you time and resources! This is truly the elevated life and where we want to see all of our patients.