
A Testimonial From Practice Member Seth Silvers

woman signing a document while another woman looks on from behind a desk

“Now I’m actually approaching health in a way where I want to be more preventative, I want to think about “How can I get my whole body into alignment? How can i get my whole life into alignment so that less challenges and less things happen down the road?”

“Now I’m actually approaching health in a way where I want to be more preventative, I want to think about “How can I get my whole body into alignment? How can i get my whole life into alignment so that less challenges and less things happen down the road?”

When I started going to elevate I had a lot of minor things that I wanted to see improvements on and that I hoped over time that I could. I really really like Dan’s approach to not just coming in when we need help or coming in after an accident. I think it’s been really helpful for me to know that by coming to elevate and putting in the time to making sure my body is more in alignment I’m actually preventing more pain down the road. its hard to sometimes put a value on it when I’m not seeing these huge transformations but recognizing that I’m seeing these differences. I’m able to sleep better, I have less back pain, these changes where I can just tell that my body feels more in alignment after consistently going. The whole team at Elevate has really helped me to look at my health in a different way.

I know there’s a lot of people that are on the fence when it comes to chiropractic care, when they’re thinking of coming to elevate because they might look at their life and think things are pretty good. But I think there’s something to be said for wanting to invest in our health, and invest in knowing that each and every day we’re doing things that are going to position us long term for a life that is just filled with more holistic health. They truly want people to not just be going to the doctor when they get hurt but to be living a life filled with health, to be living an elevated life, so that when we’re going through life we’re actually not getting hurt as much because our body is in alignment.”

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