Chiropractic Care

Breathe Easy With Chiropractic

woman signing a document while another woman looks on from behind a desk

Many COPD sufferers have indicated an improved ability to breathe after chiropractic adjustments. Evidence has suggested that adjustments improve breathing mechanics, allowing for increased chest expansion and flexibility.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by decreased airflow to the lungs. It affects nearly 330 million people worldwide and makes it difficult for the sufferer to accomplish everyday tasks due to shortness of breath.

Many COPD sufferers have indicated an improved ability to breathe after chiropractic adjustments. Evidence has suggested that adjustments improve breathing mechanics, allowing for increased chest expansion and flexibility.

A 2015 systematic review on the effects of chiropractic care on COPD looked at multiple studies, with “…5 of the 6 studies demonstrating improved lung function and exercise performance.”

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